Holloway Credit Solutions, LLC



In 1964, Holloway undertook its first step into the medical collections industry by servicing its local hospital. Over the past 50 years, through our expertise of understanding the continuous challenges and shifts in medical reimbursement and proactively identifying the needs of our clients, our healthcare business has evolved into a premier partner for medical revenue cycle collections.

Today, our physician portfolio ranges from sole practitioners to systems in excess of 1,500 doctors. Our hospital base ranges from critical access centers to academic medical centers ranked among the top 20 largest and best equipped in the nation.

At Holloway, we understand our medical clients’ needs because we have been there – literally. With a management team boasting years of firsthand revenue cycle experience, we have built a suite of products and services designed to improve our clients’ revenue cycle, reduce administrative and labor costs, and minimize risk. When combined with our extensive level of system integration and our ability to represent our clients within the framework of their organization, the most important part of our process is being a part of yours. 

Self-Pay Early Out

At Account Management Services, a wholly owned first-party subsidiary of Holloway Credit Solutions, we improve the health of our clients’ revenue cycle. 

With years of firsthand experience, we’ve built our process from the provider’s perspective, delivering Early Out (Active A/R) solutions that can only come from decades of healthcare management experience.

In today's marketplace, the continuum of care extends well beyond discharge. As an extension of your business office, the level at which AMS integrates itself with your systems and processes drives results! Through constant reconciliation of inventory and advanced data analysis, our integration allows for an unmatched level of partnership. We provide a seamless, consistent presentation to your patients protecting the reputation you've worked hard to earn.

Offering advanced analytics and transparent reporting to monitor and identify shifts in client revenue cycles, combined with a dedicated 100% CPAR-certified insurance department, AMS has the ability to handle high volumes of claims and data with industry-leading experience. The result: effective resolution of both patient responsibility and undiscovered or unresolved insurance balances. Click here for more information.

Bad Debt

For over 50 years, Holloway Credit Solutions has specialized in healthcare collections. Our technology and expertise allow us to accelerate cash flow and increase recovery. We manage your portfolio within the guidelines of your individual policies and procedures.  

Our commitment as your third-party bad debt partner is to operate and customize our process within the framework of each individual organization, helping to resolve accounts in a way that is consistent with their procedures and sensitive to their position in the market. 

Medical-Driven Flows

Our account flows are mapped using a combination of patient and hospital/medical practice data tailored to specific write-down practices and insurance flows. This allows us to maximize your recovery and resolution and minimize the burden on your staff.

Eligibility Insurance Screening

Using a batch eligibility application developed by Holloway, our ability to uncover billable health insurance for you extends well beyond traditional methods. With an unmatched hit rate and built-in accuracy, we are able to increase efficiency, accelerate cash flow, and improve your patient satisfaction. 

Insurance Filing

In addition to uncovering billable primary, secondary, and retroactive insurance, our dedicated insurance department has the ability to handle high volumes of claims submitted seamlessly through your own system. With provider-based experience to resolve even the most complex unpaid or denied insurance accounts, we accelerate payment and free your staff to focus on other opportunities.

Presumptive Charity

For our hospital clients wanting to enhance their charity write-off process, we incorporate our presumptive charity solution seamlessly into our bad debt flow. Just as our eligibility scrubs ensure all third-party payors have been exhausted, our presumptive charity solution identifies those in the community in need of assistance. With minimal impact on cash, this powerful tool reduces your bad debt write offs and optimizes your charity assignments.

Large Balance Review

The value of these claims can have a significant financial impact on your bottom line. With a dedicated high-balance review team, Holloway investigates every avenue of reimbursement and recovery.

Legal Review

Should a client elect to pursue legal action, Holloway will review qualified accounts for legal collection. Our resources and technology ensure accurate recommendations, resulting in pursuit of only those accounts that will successfully generate reimbursement for our clients while respecting your position in the community.

Debt Cycle Graphic

Our commitment as our clients’ Third-Party Bad Debt partner is to operate and customize our process within the framework of each individual organization

Batch Eligibility

With the launch of our very own 270/271 search engine, Holloway loads accounts based on the financial class of each client and scrubs for uncovered primary, secondary, and retroactive coverage. Processing real-time eligibility services, Holloway submits 270 transactions using payor-specific algorithms. The result: an unmatched rate of discovery, rivaled only by that of its own accuracy from human review of valid coverage.

Presumptive Charity

Through a combination of your patient’s income as a percent of the Federal Poverty Guideline and their individual propensity to pay, Holloway offers the automated ability to meet internal write-off requirements, while providing a community service through reducing/forgiving account balances for those in financial distress. Not only is this Form 990 Schedule H compliant model fully customizable to each of our client’s needs, but it’s based off their very own patient population’s historical data for an unparalleled level of accuracy. When bundled with batch eligibility, presumtpive charity becomes a valuable tool to increase charity while minimizing cash flow impact. Our models  are always validated with your patient history and tailored to enhance your charity policy.